Saturday, January 05, 2008

Hot Ideas For Baby Shower Party Favors

After a quick chat with my girlfriends and yummy mummies, we’ve come up with a shortlist of baby shower party favors to give you a flying start when planning your next baby shower. Hopefully this will tickle your fancy or at least get the creative juices flowing! Ideas For Home-Made Baby Shower Party Favors

* Create “Merit Certificates� …that you can give to the guest with the best memory, or best guess, or best player etc., in the games you have planned for the party/shower.

* Bookmarks - Reading material for new mums is always a great gift from things like baby care, nutrition or even getting fit after pregnancy, well, why not make your own bookmarks? Make them as interesting as you can. This clever idea should to leave a mark on your guests!

* Bakery Treat Bundles - Make some cookies or brownies and wrap them in translucent paper. It makes for a nice party favor. For the cooking buffs, you can bake bread or make jams and gift them as welcome prizes.

* Crafty Jewellery - If you have family members who love making jewellery, then this is a terrific idea for you �" make a collection of beaded necklaces, earrings, rings, bracelets and arrange them in a basket near the door. Your guests can pick their choice while leaving the party. You can even include key chains and such small items.

* Scented Soaps - You can even make soaps at home. It is easier than you think. Buy some glycerine soap cubes as well as molds from the craft store. Melt the cubes and pour it in the molds. Add glittering beads or shreds to it for a funky look and drops of your favorite perfume or scented oils. Your gift soaps are ready! They make great baby shower party favors.

* Gift Baskets - You can create baskets containing any of the cosmetic items, pens sets, scrapbooks, artificial jewelry pieces, and whatever utility items that you find suitable for gifting. You can even place edible items in your baskets such as chocolates, cookies, and others. Party favors don’t have to be expensive to make an impression. It depends on how creatively you put together the gifts and present them to your guests so that they can cherish the baby shower party favors for a long time.

About the Author
Karen Manning is an accomplished blog columnist and official yummy mummy.
Need more ideas on baby party favors or showers gifts, how about a newbie parent that could use some baby care tips? Swat up on cool ideas and parenting tutorials here.

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