Saturday, July 29, 2006

4 Easy Steps to Baby Shower Theme Ideas

4 Easy Steps to Baby Shower Theme Ideas by Sam Smith

Organizing a baby shower can be a lot of fun but it can also be frustrating. Often times people try to hard and get caught up in finding the perfect baby shower theme ideas. This can really work against the goal of pulling off a great baby shower as a person gets more concerned they are not able to be creative or have fun. After all baby showers should be a wonderful joyous celebration of new life and not another big task that has to get done.

By following the steps below you can find a lot of really great baby shower theme ideas and then easily narrow it down to find the perfect theme.

Research First you will want to do some reaserch on baby shower themes. This will help get the mindset and preload the brain with possible ideas. One of the best places to research baby shower themes is online. Going to any major search engine like Google or Yahoo and typing in keywords like baby shower theme ideas or fun baby shower themes will come up with a ton of websites and lots of ideas. Be careful not to latch on to any one idea to early on. Instead just take it all in and maybe make a few notes of themes that seem appropriate for the situation. One can even narrow the search down and find more specific results using the search engines. For example if it is known that the mother is having twins then type in the search term baby shower themes for twins. Also if the sex of the baby is already known then using specific search terms related to the babies sex can generate some great ideas also. Using terms like baby shower themes for girls or baby shower themes for boys will give some great ideas. List Next after doing some initial research it is time to turn off the computer. Get out a paper and pencil and start generating a list of baby shower themes. Some of these themes might come straight from the research that was done online but be creative and think of unique baby shower themes also. Creative ideas will often make the best baby shower themes because they will be new and unique.

Try to generate a list of at least 20 baby shower themes that will work for the event. Don't worry about censoring any of the ideas out just be creative and list as many as possible. If this is too hard and no ideas come quickly then just start writing down whatever comes to mind even if it is not a baby shower theme. Eventually the mind will start kicking in some great ideas.

Narrow Next take the list and start to narrow it down less then five themes. Think about the decorations that would go with each theme and the availability of clip art that would go with each theme. If nothing comes to mind for a particular theme then just eliminate it from the list.

Decide Now it is at the final stage out of the five topics that are potential candidates for the theme pick one of them. Often it will help if there is time in between each of these steps. Simply getting away and doing other things for a while will allow the best baby shower theme to rise to the surface of one's mind. If it is still too hard to pick just one theme then call a few friends or the expectant mother and read the list off and discuss the potential themes with them. This will often generate one great theme that can be used.

The most important part is too not get to caught up or stuck on just one idea. Instead generate a lot of fun ideas and then pick the one that stands out. Given a few days time to mull over all of the options often one will become the clear winner as the perfect baby shower theme.

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Free 5 day Baby Shower Planning cours

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Couples Baby Shower

Couples Baby Shower - A Quick Planning Guide By Ann Neville

Believe it or not, but many husbands would really enjoy going to a Couples Baby Shower with their wife. A baby shower is a fun get-together with friends and family to celebrate a new little baby. Often, the father-to-be would love to be part of that celebration. It helps him get excited about his new son or daughter. And whether he admits it or not, his heart will melt when he opens up a baby shower gift and sees a little pink dress or a little pair of denim overalls.

How to Know if You Should Invite the Guys
Simply ask the mom-to-be if she wants her husband and his friends to be at the shower. She needs to enjoy the shower first and foremost. So if she doesn't want the men there, then that's the answer. After all, the baby shower is primarily for her. However, if she likes the idea of a coed baby shower, then ask her husband if he would like to go, just to make sure it's ok with him. Some guys might feel uncomfortable, which is understandable. But he might be honored by the invite and excited to participate. You never know until you ask!

How to Plan a Couples Baby Shower

1. Make up the guest list with both parents.
Have them list both her friends and his friends. He'll feel a lot more comfortable with some of his friends there.

2. Decide on a theme that both parents-to-be would enjoy.
A general baby theme is always a great choice, or a sports theme, or other hobby of the husband's (cars, cowboy, outdoors, John Deere, etc.) are some fun themes that the dad-to-be might really get into.

3. Make and send out the Couples baby shower invitations.
Have the invites match the theme you chose. You could make the invitations in the colors of the dad's favorite sports team, or buy some outdoors or cowboy / western paper, or whatever the theme may be. This lets the guys know right from the start that the theme will be something they enjoy. Also, having more than one guy there might make the dad-to-be more comfortable & more enjoyable. It's the whole "strength in numbers" thing. Be sure to mention in the invitations that it is a Couples Baby Shower.

4. Plan the food.
This is one of the most (if not the most important) aspects of a Couples baby shower that you can plan. After all, the way to a man's heart (and hence how much he enjoys the baby shower) is through his stomach. Meat is usually a good choice for your coed baby shower food. Definitely have something more hearty than salad and bundt cake. BBQ, casserole, or enchiladas are some good choices.
5. Should you have games at a Couples baby shower?
You could do it either way. This is a great question to ask the expectant mom and dad. Often, at a coed baby shower, games are not played. Instead, everyone talks, tells stories and shares parenting advice which makes for a fun, intimate party with friends and family. However, almost always, when the guys actually play the baby shower games, they really get into them. They love competition! So, games or no games, everyone will have a great time.

6. What kind of baby shower favors & prizes are good for a Couples baby shower?
Anything Edible! Guys are very predictable, which makes your job as hostess easier! Candy bars, rice krispy treats, beef jerky, cinnamon rolls, etc., inexpensive t-shirts that relate to the theme (sports teams, automobiles, Carhartt, etc.) are fun favors & prizes. Other ideas include: packages of football, baseball, or basketball cards, movie rental gift certificates, pocket-sized outdoor equipment like little flashlights or pocketknives, etc.

7. What kind of gifts are good Couples baby shower gifts?
The gifts at a coed baby shower shouldn't be much different than gifts given at a traditional girls baby shower. If this is the only baby shower a mom-to-be will have, then traditional baby shower gifts are a must, because she will still need all the diapers, clothes & burp cloths that she can get. But one or two of the gifts intended for the dad-to-be is a great way to honor and congratulate him. Be sure to have the mom and dad-to-be sit together and take turns opening the baby shower gifts. This really helps him get into the baby excitement.

Some other fun ideas for a Couples baby shower:
• Have a surprise baby shower for the dad-to-be at his office/work. Call one or two of his coworkers to plan it. He is sure to have friends at work that would love to celebrate & congratulate him on his upcoming son or daughter.
• If he is into sports, have the party during a game where everyone can eat & chat during the game and open the gifts afterwards.
• Have a cookout BBQ - Any get-together that involves an open flame is definitely a masculine party!
It is becoming more and more common to invite the men to baby showers. And, although a coed baby shower is still not quite the "norm" for traditional baby showers, most people find that Couples baby showers are usually among the most fun and memorable types of baby showers.

About the Author
Find more of Ann's baby shower articles and resources at

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Baby Shower Favors: A Labor Of Love

A baby shower is a very important event for an expecting mother, as it is one way of giving a warm welcome to a new life. Normally, the mom’s friends host baby showers whether they come from the office, church or school. However, the idea of a baby shower hosted by a sister or another close relative is becoming more and more prevalent.

Being invited to a baby shower also signals that the expecting mom highly values your presence in her life and wants you to share in this very happy and exciting experience. Of course, as invitees we want to make sure that we give a gift that will express our love and affection not only to the mom but also to the baby. While, there is a plethora of baby shower favors available in the market, why not make the gift more special by doing it yourself?

A homemade baby shower gift is something made out of hard work and the willingness to go the extra mile just to show we care for the baby. Here are some ideas on how to make baby shower favors:

Make your own homemade baby shower envelope.

Materials needed:
Decorative papers with different designs,
Glue and tape,

Making a baby shower envelope is easy to make yourself. First, cut out an envelope pattern, crease it where needed and stick adhesive to assemble. Put a small amount of tape to the envelope’s flap, and attach it to the backside of the next envelope. Repeat the process until several envelopes are attached with each other and eventually resemble an accordion.

Close the envelopes and increase the size of the final flap in order to match the width of the album. For a special touch attach an attractive sticker to serve as an album seal. When this process is finished, the cards that will be placed inside the album should be decorated. Select the decorative papers that best go with each other and make cards that list the following information.

birth data,
list of gifts given during the shower

Each envelope should contain the handcrafted cards. All the envelopes containing the cards should then be placed inside album. Tie a ribbon around the album to complete this perfect homemade baby shower favor.

Homemade Baby Shower scrapbook

Choose papers and embellishments that perfectly match the theme of the baby shower. The book’s color can be selected based on the baby’s gender, if this is already known. However, yellow and green are appropriate for showers if the expecting mother does not know the baby’s gender.

Encourage your guests to write a special note in the album. In order for the notes to be written neatly, insert a journaling template at the back of each page. Prior to the shower a complementary photo and decorated page should be made ready. Snap a picture of each guest and take a group shot as well.

Choose the best photos for the album. Once all of the embellishments are put in, apply finishing touches and present the complete album to the expecting mother.

Kelly Jezek is a successful Webmaster and publisher of She provides more helpful tips on how to make baby shower favors at her site.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Types of Baby Shower Cakes

Different Types of Baby Shower Cakes by Sam Smith

Planning a baby shower for a friend and have to decide what todo about the baby shower cake? While there are tons of ideas on the internet and you can probably think of a lot of different cakes to make on your own. However, you will first have to decide what type of baby shower cake you want. This will depend on the amount of time, skills and creativity you have. Once you have chosen the type of cake that you want to go with you can think about the decoration for the cake.

Since a baby shower cake is really no different from a regular cake used for any special event your options are pretty much the same. The main difference between an everyday cake and a baby shower cake is in the decorating.

Store Bought Baby Shower Cake This of course is a great way to go if you have extra money and no extra time. You simply go to your local bakery or even supermarket and have a cake made to order. This of course is the most expensive option yet the quickest and easiest for the host.

Homemade Baby Shower Cake Another option if you have time and the inclination is to make your own homemade baby shower cake. This can be a lot of fun for the host and also the guest of honor. Having something specially made for you is a real honor and a treat for the guests. A homemade baby shower cake can also be used as a table centerpiece to really show off the artwork and talent of the baker. If you are planning on making your own baby shower cake you should make sure that you have enough time and have planned ahead so you will not feel rushed.

Diaper Cake Diaper cakes are rising in popularity at baby shower and have really caught on big. Part of their popularity is they can serve as a decoration centerpiece, and as a big gift for the mother to be. You might think to yourself wait a minute a cake will be eaten how is this a gift? Well, this is typically true except a diaper cake is made out of diapers. This in fact is not a cake at all but it is made to look like one. A diaper cake is essentially made up of a group of diaper all stacked together and then decorated to look like a real cake. Gifts for the baby can then be stuffed inside the diaper cake and given to the mother to be. This can be a real focal piece for the party and add a lot of decoration quickly to the event. You can either make this yourself or have one made easily.

The biggest decision that you need to make is how much time versus how much money to you have to spend. If you have more time then money then you will want to make the cake on your own. However if you have money and absolutely no time left at the end of the day then make it easy and pay someone to make the cake for you.

About the Author
Free 5 day Baby Shower Planning email course

Monday, July 03, 2006

Homemade Baby Shower Party Favor

Homemade Baby Shower Party Favor by Vincent Chua

When throwing a baby shower you are not obliged to give party favors to your guests. But still, it would be nice to hand out a memento of the special occasion. Worried that you might spend a fortune buying ready made baby shower party favors? Then why donĂ­t you just make the party favors yourself.

Below are some creative ideas for baby shower party favors.

1. Buy baby bottles, baby socks or even cloth diapers (if you can still find one) then fill it up with an assortment of goodies like candies and chocolates. After filling the items, you could tie cute little ribbons around them. The items would prove to be useful. Some of the guests may even give them back after a few weeks.

2. If you bake then you can prepare cookies (choco chip, butter, sugar, oatmeal, etc.) in the form of baby bottles, baby rattles. Babies and other baby related shapes. You can package the cookies in colorful plastic or paper wrappers.

3. As you probably already know, candles are a big bit among women. That why they probably would be a big hit for the guests on your baby shower party. Buy scented votive candles. These candles are usually sold in sets to make them cheaper. Then decorate the candles with ribbons. Colors of course will depend on your personal taste or to the theme of your baby shower. Of course it would usually be blue if the baby is a boy and pink if the baby is a girl. The candles smell great and they would even look great when they are wrapped. Candles are an ideal party favor for any occasion since they mix very well with any theme.

4. If you have a green thumb and likes plants in general then maybe you can give away some of plants in your garden. All you have to do is buy some small seedling pot. Graft a stem on some plant and plant them into the pot. This type of party favor is symbolic since your gusts would be obliged to take care of the plant just as if they have their own babies. You could also buy coffee mugs or wine glasses and a bunch of flowers. Then put a flower in the mug or glass as if they are flower pots. This baby shower party favor would definitely be a big hit.

5. Baby bath items like baby soap, baby shampoo, baby oil, baby lotion, etc. can also be a big hit among your guests because they can be either used for their very own babies or for themselves if they are single. You can also include other bath accessories like sponges, hookahs, scrubbers, small towels, etc. You can arrange the items in mini baskets or hampers. Then tie a ribbon in front of it for it to look cute.

There you are, five creative homemade baby shower party favor ideas that your guests will surely love. Who knows, you might end up making a business out of your masterpieces. Remember, all you need is some creativity and wild ideas to make these baby shower party favors.

About the Author
© Copyright Vincent Chua, All Rights Reserved.
Vincent has dozens more baby shower related articles and tips at his site: baby shower theme, check them out today!